Burning Man is Coming to Willcox

Take Action Now!

What Is Burning Man (a.ka. Saguaro Man)?   Sign the Petition

What is Burning Man or Saguaro Man?

Burning Man is a yearly festival held in the Black Rock Desert of Nevada. The last event held in 2019 before Covid, drew an estimated 80,000 people. Burning Man has several regional chapters scattered around the world. Though touted as a free expression community art event, the links below show it to be otherwise.

It is held during the summer solstice and culiminates in the burning of a large 40 foot tall wooden man.

A regional version of this event called 'Saguaro Man' is planning to move to Willcox. The main burning man event is held in the middle of nowhere in the desert of Nevada but 'Saguaro Man' would be held in the middle of a residential area off of Kansas Settlement Road. We don't believe that this is the right location for such an event for the reasons detailed below. If you agree please let your voice be heard and consider signing the petition.

What's to be Concerned About?

First let's consider the fire hazard that such an event would bring. Our neighbors to the west (California) are having one of the worst fire seasons in their history right now. Here in the desert we have lots of dry brush and a considerable amount of wind that gusts rather strongly out of nowhere. You couple this with setting an effigy on fire and you've got the potential for a lot of problems. It doesn't take much for a fire to get out of hand and seeing that this would be in a residential area it could potentially put a lot of people and property at risk. Cal Fire statistics state that some 95% of wildfires are caused by human activity. We don't want to play with fire!

Here are a few headlines to highlight this risk:

Second let's consider the road conditions. This regional event could attact upwards of three to four thousand people. Our roads cannot accomodate that much traffic. Lanes would have to be widened and paved. What if a fire were to spin out of control? How would everyone get out? The roads could not facilitate that in its current state and this would create an even increased risk of loss of life should a fire burn out of control.

Burning Man Moving to Willcox?

The organizers, AZ Burners, have purchased 80 acres in Willcox AZ off of Kansas Settlement Road. They plan to make this their permanent home.

We don't believe that Willcox is the right location for this event. Especially not in the middle of a residential area. We don't need to bring these unnecessary fire dangers to our community.

If you don't support this event moving here, please make your voice heard! We must take action and we must do it NOW!

Sign the petition below and let your voice be heard ...

Sign the Petition

We must take action now! Please sign the petition below. Only those to live or work in Cochise County over the age of 18 may sign.

Burning Man In The News